Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Modos is over 50% funded, and it's a four day work

Hello Friend!

The Modos KickStarter campaign is currently beyond its halfway point in just one week! THANK YOU! to everyone that has shared the campaign, chose a reward, or donated money.

The Modos Team celebrating with a High Twenty (similar to the High Five but four times as great).

We still need your help to keep it going!
Sharing is great way to contribute. Simply spread the love by sharing our campaign link (http://kck.st/1j3yYSO) via email, Facebook, or with your favorite media outlet.


Thanks again,
Matt & Andrew

About Modos:

Modos is a modular furniture system that uses connectors and boards to make desks, shelves, standing desks and more.

Share Modos with your friends and family!


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