Thursday, May 15, 2014

Coming Soon to Kickstarter - Modos, a modular furniture system created by Ecosystems.

EcoSystems Is Kickstarting
An introduction to Snug-it and some of our interiors.

For the past few years EcoSystems has been busy designing and building interiors in NYC. All the while, we've continued to refine Modos (formerly Snug-it), our tool-free and reconfigurable furniture system.

We're excited to announce that Modos is ready to launch! We're going to use the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. If we reach our goal, your contributions will help make Modos a reality. If we don't reach our goal, you'll keep your money. Every bit of support helps. Our expected launch is May 17th. In the mean time, enjoy the video above detailing some of Ecosystems earlier adventures.

We'll send you more info as we get closer to the launch date. Stay tuned! For more info, be sure to check out our new website and stay in touch with us on facebook.
Matt & Andrew
The Ecosystem's Team 
About EcoSystems:

We think products should last a life time. Ours are user friendly, beautiful, and modifiable for where ever you are in your life.


EcoSystems is a creative platform that delivers furniture and interiors under an environmental and social framework; fun, beauty and functionality emerge from our collaborations.

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Snug-it · 63 Flushing Ave · Brooklyn Navy Yard Building 280 Suite 814 · New York, NY 11205 · USA

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