Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Modos P-A-R-T-Y and Other Stretch Goals!


We now have Stretch Goals! Stretch Goals are added bonuses for our supporters. Do you think Modos is a great product? Don't wait any longer to show your support on the Modos Kickstarter campaign because we want to party with YOU! 

Just remember, if we don't reach our goal your credit card will not be charged, and we don't get any funding to make Modos a reality. 

As always, Sharing is great way to contribute. Simply spread the love by sharing our campaign link (http://kck.st/1j3yYSO) via email, Facebook, or with your favorite media outlet. Ping us on Facebook or Twitter @ModosFurniture to let us know you are out there.

Thanks again,
Matt & Andrew


About Modos:

Modos is a modular furniture system that uses connectors and boards to make desks, shelves, standing desks and more.

Share Modos with your friends and family!


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